seqgra summary

seqgra summary: Gather metrics across grammars, models, evaluators

usage: seqgras [-h] [-v] -a ANALYSIS_ID -c COMPARATORS [COMPARATORS ...] -o OUTPUT_DIR
               [-g GRAMMAR_IDS [GRAMMAR_IDS ...]] [-m MODEL_IDS [MODEL_IDS ...]] [-s SETS [SETS ...]]
               [-l MODEL_LABELS [MODEL_LABELS ...]]

Named Arguments

-v, --version

show program’s version number and exit

-a, --analysis-id

analysis id (folder name for output)

-c, --comparators

comparator ID or IDs: IDs of comparators include curve-table, fi-eval-table, pr, roc, table

-o, --output-dir

output directory, subdirectories are created for generated data, trained model, and model evaluation

-g, --grammar-ids

one or more grammar IDs; defaults to all grammar IDs in output dir

-m, --model-ids

one or more model IDs; defaults to all model IDs for specified grammars in output dir

-s, --sets

one or more of the following: training, validation, or test

Default: [‘test’]

-l, --model-labels

labels for models, must be same length as model_ids