Source code for seqgra.seqgrae

#!/usr/bin/env python

"""MIT - CSAIL - Gifford Lab - seqgra

seqgra ensemble

@author: Konstantin Krismer

import argparse
import copy
import logging
import math
import os
import random
import shutil
from typing import List, Optional

import pandas as pd

import seqgra
import seqgra.constants as c
from seqgra import MiscHelper
from seqgra.model import DataDefinition
from seqgra.model import ModelDefinition
from seqgra.parser import DataDefinitionParser
from seqgra.parser import XMLDataDefinitionParser
from seqgra.parser import ModelDefinitionParser
from seqgra.parser import XMLModelDefinitionParser
from seqgra.writer import XMLDataDefinitionWriter
from seqgra.writer import XMLModelDefinitionWriter

[docs]def parse_data_definition_file(file_name: str) -> DataDefinition: data_config = MiscHelper.read_config_file(file_name) data_def_parser: DataDefinitionParser = XMLDataDefinitionParser( data_config) return data_def_parser.get_data_definition()
[docs]def parse_model_definition_file(file_name: str) -> ModelDefinition: model_config = MiscHelper.read_config_file(file_name) model_def_parser: ModelDefinitionParser = XMLModelDefinitionParser( model_config) return model_def_parser.get_model_definition()
[docs]def change_ds_size(data_definition: DataDefinition, ds_size: int, training_set_fraction: float = 0.7, validation_set_fraction: float = 0.1, test_set_fraction: float = 0.2) -> DataDefinition: org_training_set_size: int = 0 org_validation_set_size: int = 0 org_test_set_size: int = 0 new_training_set_size: int = (ds_size * training_set_fraction) new_validation_set_size: int = (ds_size * validation_set_fraction) new_test_set_size: int = (ds_size * test_set_fraction) # calculate total number of examples per set for example_set in data_definition.data_generation.sets: if == c.DataSet.TRAINING: org_training_set_size = sum([example.samples for example in example_set.examples]) elif == c.DataSet.VALIDATION: org_validation_set_size = sum([example.samples for example in example_set.examples]) elif == c.DataSet.TEST: org_test_set_size = sum([example.samples for example in example_set.examples]) else: raise Exception("invalid set name: " + # set new number of examples proportional to previous example set for example_set in data_definition.data_generation.sets: if == c.DataSet.TRAINING: for example in example_set.examples: example.samples = int((example.samples / org_training_set_size) * new_training_set_size) elif == c.DataSet.VALIDATION: for example in example_set.examples: example.samples = int((example.samples / org_validation_set_size) * new_validation_set_size) elif == c.DataSet.TEST: for example in example_set.examples: example.samples = int( (example.samples / org_test_set_size) * new_test_set_size) return data_definition
[docs]def get_grammar_id(org_grammar_id: str, ds_size: int, seed: int) -> str: if ds_size % 1000 == 0: return org_grammar_id + "-" + \ str(int(ds_size / 1000)) + "k-s" + str(seed) else: return org_grammar_id + "-" + \ str(ds_size) + "-s" + str(seed)
[docs]def get_data_folder_name(data_folder, subsampling_rate: float, seed: int) -> str: org_data_folder_name: str = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(data_folder)) return org_data_folder_name + "-" + \ str(subsampling_rate) + "-s" + str(seed)
[docs]def get_model_id(org_model_id: str, seed: int) -> str: return org_model_id + "-s" + str(seed)
[docs]def write_data_definition_file(data_definition: DataDefinition, output_dir: str, ds_size: int, seed: int) -> None: data_definition = copy.deepcopy(data_definition) data_definition = change_ds_size(data_definition, ds_size) data_definition.seed = seed data_definition.grammar_id = get_grammar_id(data_definition.grammar_id, ds_size, seed) file_name = output_dir + data_definition.grammar_id + ".xml" XMLDataDefinitionWriter.write_data_definition_to_file( data_definition, file_name) return file_name
[docs]def write_data_definition_files(data_def_file: str, output_dir: str, ds_sizes: List[float], d_seeds: List[int]) -> None: data_definition: DataDefinition = parse_data_definition_file( data_def_file) file_names: List[List[str]] = [] for ds_size in ds_sizes: file_names.append([write_data_definition_file(data_definition, output_dir, ds_size, d_seed) for d_seed in d_seeds]) return file_names
[docs]def subsample_data_set(data_folder: str, output_dir: str, subsampling_rate: float, seed: int) -> None: random.seed(seed) new_data_folder: str = get_data_folder_name( data_folder, subsampling_rate, seed) out_folder: str = MiscHelper.prepare_path(output_dir + new_data_folder) # subsample training set example_in_file: str = os.path.normpath( data_folder + "/" + c.DataSet.TRAINING + ".txt") annotation_in_file: str = os.path.normpath( data_folder + "/" + c.DataSet.TRAINING + "-annotation.txt") example_out_file: str = os.path.normpath( out_folder + "/" + c.DataSet.TRAINING + ".txt") annotation_out_file: str = os.path.normpath( out_folder + "/" + c.DataSet.TRAINING + "-annotation.txt") if math.isclose(subsampling_rate, 1.0): shutil.copyfile(example_in_file, example_out_file) shutil.copyfile(annotation_in_file, annotation_out_file) else: example_df = pd.read_csv( example_in_file, sep="\t", dtype={"x": "string", "y": "string"}) annotation_df = pd.read_csv( annotation_in_file, sep="\t", dtype={"annotation": "string", "y": "string"}) num_examples: int = len(example_df) subsampled_num_examples: int = int(num_examples * subsampling_rate) idx = random.sample(range(num_examples), subsampled_num_examples) subsampled_example_df = example_df.iloc[idx] subsampled_annotation_df = annotation_df.iloc[idx] subsampled_example_df.to_csv(example_out_file, sep="\t", index=False) subsampled_annotation_df.to_csv( annotation_out_file, sep="\t", index=False) # copy validation set example_in_file: str = os.path.normpath( data_folder + "/" + c.DataSet.VALIDATION + ".txt") annotation_in_file: str = os.path.normpath( data_folder + "/" + c.DataSet.VALIDATION + "-annotation.txt") example_out_file: str = os.path.normpath( out_folder + "/" + c.DataSet.VALIDATION + ".txt") annotation_out_file: str = os.path.normpath( out_folder + "/" + c.DataSet.VALIDATION + "-annotation.txt") shutil.copyfile(example_in_file, example_out_file) shutil.copyfile(annotation_in_file, annotation_out_file) # copy test set example_in_file: str = os.path.normpath( data_folder + "/" + c.DataSet.TEST + ".txt") annotation_in_file: str = os.path.normpath( data_folder + "/" + c.DataSet.TEST + "-annotation.txt") example_out_file: str = os.path.normpath( out_folder + "/" + c.DataSet.TEST + ".txt") annotation_out_file: str = os.path.normpath( out_folder + "/" + c.DataSet.TEST + "-annotation.txt") shutil.copyfile(example_in_file, example_out_file) shutil.copyfile(annotation_in_file, annotation_out_file) return out_folder
[docs]def subsample_experimental_data(data_folder: str, output_dir: str, subsampling_rates: List[float], d_seeds: List[int]) -> None: folders: List[List[str]] = [] for subsampling_rate in subsampling_rates: folders.append([subsample_data_set(data_folder, output_dir, subsampling_rate, d_seed) for d_seed in d_seeds]) return folders
[docs]def write_model_definition_file(model_definition: ModelDefinition, output_dir: str, seed: int) -> None: model_definition = copy.deepcopy(model_definition) model_definition.seed = seed model_definition.model_id = get_model_id(model_definition.model_id, seed) file_name = output_dir + model_definition.model_id + ".xml" XMLModelDefinitionWriter.write_model_definition_to_file( model_definition, file_name) return file_name
[docs]def write_model_definition_files(model_def_files: List[str], output_dir: str, m_seeds: List[int]) -> None: file_names: List[List[str]] = [] for model_def_file in model_def_files: model_definition: ModelDefinition = parse_model_definition_file( model_def_file) file_names.append([write_model_definition_file(model_definition, output_dir, m_seed) for m_seed in m_seeds]) return file_names
[docs]def extract_id(file_name: str) -> str: return os.path.basename(file_name).replace(".xml", "")
[docs]def write_analysis_script(analysis_id: str, data_file_names: Optional[List[List[str]]], data_folders: Optional[List[List[str]]], model_file_names: List[List[str]], output_dir: str, analyses_dir: str, seed_grid: bool, gpu_id: int) -> None: num_m_seeds: int = len(model_file_names[0]) conv_evals = "-e metrics roc pr predict --eval-sets training validation test" fie_evals = "-e gradient saliency gradient-x-input integrated-gradients deconv guided-backprop --eval-n-per-label 50" opts = " -o '" + output_dir + "' --no-checks -s -g " + str(gpu_id) + "\n" with open(analyses_dir + analysis_id + ".sh", "w") as script_f: if data_file_names: num_d_seeds: int = len(data_file_names[0]) if seed_grid: for i in range(num_d_seeds): for j in range(num_m_seeds): for ds_names in data_file_names: for model_names in model_file_names: script_f.write("seqgra -d '" + ds_names[i] + "' -m '" + model_names[j] + "' " + conv_evals + opts) script_f.write("seqgra -d '" + ds_names[i] + "' -m '" + model_names[j] + "' " + fie_evals + opts) else: for i in range(num_m_seeds): for ds_names in data_file_names: for model_names in model_file_names: script_f.write("seqgra -d '" + ds_names[i] + "' -m '" + model_names[i] + "' " + conv_evals + opts) script_f.write("seqgra -d '" + ds_names[i] + "' -m '" + model_names[i] + "' " + fie_evals + opts) else: num_d_seeds: int = len(data_folders[0]) if seed_grid: for i in range(num_d_seeds): for j in range(num_m_seeds): for ds_names in data_folders: for model_names in model_file_names: script_f.write("seqgra -f '" + ds_names[i] + "' -m '" + model_names[i] + "' " + conv_evals + opts) script_f.write("seqgra -f '" + ds_names[i] + "' -m '" + model_names[i] + "' " + fie_evals + opts) else: for i in range(num_m_seeds): for ds_names in data_folders: for model_names in model_file_names: script_f.write("seqgra -f '" + ds_names[i] + "' -m '" + model_names[i] + "' " + conv_evals + opts) script_f.write("seqgra -f '" + ds_names[i] + "' -m '" + model_names[i] + "' " + fie_evals + opts) script_f.write("\n") if data_file_names: grammar_ids: List[str] = [extract_id(seed_name) for ds_names in data_file_names for seed_name in ds_names] else: grammar_ids: List[str] = [extract_id(seed_name) for ds_names in data_folders for seed_name in ds_names] model_ids: List[str] = [extract_id(seed_name) for model_names in model_file_names for seed_name in model_names] script_f.write("seqgras -a '" + analysis_id + "' -c table curve-table fi-eval-table -o '" + output_dir + "' -g " + " ".join(grammar_ids) + " -m " + " ".join(model_ids) + "\n")
[docs]def run_seqgra_ensemble(analysis_id: str, data_def_file: str, data_folder: str, model_def_files: List[str], output_dir: str, ds_sizes: List[float], d_seeds: List[int], m_seeds: List[int], seed_grid: bool, gpu_id: int) -> None: analysis_id = MiscHelper.sanitize_id(analysis_id) output_dir = MiscHelper.format_output_dir(output_dir.strip()) model_def_dir: str = MiscHelper.prepare_path( output_dir + "defs/model", allow_exists=True, allow_non_empty=True) if not seed_grid and len(d_seeds) != len(m_seeds): raise Exception("number of simulation seeds must equal number of " "model seeds when seed-grid is disabled") if data_def_file: data_defs_dir: str = MiscHelper.prepare_path( output_dir + "defs/data", allow_exists=True, allow_non_empty=True) data_file_names: List[List[str]] = write_data_definition_files( data_def_file, data_defs_dir, ds_sizes, d_seeds) data_folders: List[List[str]] = None else: input_data_dir: str = MiscHelper.prepare_path( output_dir + "input", allow_exists=True, allow_non_empty=True) data_folders: List[List[str]] = subsample_experimental_data( data_folder, input_data_dir, ds_sizes, d_seeds) data_file_names: List[List[str]] = None model_file_names: List[List[str]] = write_model_definition_files( model_def_files, model_def_dir, m_seeds) analyses_dir: str = MiscHelper.prepare_path( output_dir + "analyses", allow_exists=True, allow_non_empty=True) write_analysis_script(analysis_id, data_file_names, data_folders, model_file_names, output_dir, analyses_dir, seed_grid, gpu_id)
[docs]def create_parser(default_ds_sizes: List[int] = [10000, 20000, 40000, 80000, 160000, 320000, 640000, 1280000]): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="seqgrae", description="seqgra ensemble: Test model architecture on grammar " "across data set sizes, simulation and model seeds") parser.add_argument( "-v", "--version", action="version", version="%(prog)s " + seqgra.__version__) parser.add_argument( "-a", "--analysis-id", type=str, required=True, help="analysis ID (used for script file name and comparator folders)" ) group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument( "-d", "--data-def-file", type=str, help="path to the segra XML data definition file. Use this option " "to generate synthetic data based on a seqgra grammar (specify " "either -d or -f, not both)" ) group.add_argument( "-f", "--data-folder", type=str, help="experimental data folder name inside outputdir/input. Use this " "option to train the model on experimental or externally synthesized " "data (specify either -f or -d, not both)" ) parser.add_argument( "-m", "--model-def-files", type=str, required=True, nargs="+", help="list of paths to the seqgra XML model definition files" ) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output-dir", type=str, required=True, help="output directory, subdirectories are created for generated " "data and model definitions, input data, trained models, and model " "evaluations" ) parser.add_argument( "--ds-sizes", type=int, default=default_ds_sizes, nargs="+", help="if -d is specified, list of data set sizes in number of " "examples, where train-val-test split is always 70-10-20, " "defaults to [10000, 20000, 40000, 80000, 160000, 320000, 640000, " "1280000]; if -f is specified, list of subsampling rates " "of training examples, 1.0 equals original data, no subsampling, " "defaults to [0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.0]" ) parser.add_argument( "--d-seeds", type=int, default=[1, 2, 3], nargs="+", help="list of simulation seeds, defaults to [1, 2, 3]" ) parser.add_argument( "--m-seeds", type=int, default=[1, 2, 3], nargs="+", help="list of model seeds, defaults to [1, 2, 3]" ) parser.add_argument( "--seed-grid", action="store_true", help="if this flag is set, all simulation and model seed combinations " "are evaluated, otherwise simulation seed 1 is only tested with model " "seed 1 and so on" ) parser.add_argument( "-g", "--gpu", type=int, default=0, help="ID of GPU used by TensorFlow and PyTorch (defaults to GPU " "ID 0); CPU is used if no GPU is available or GPU ID is set to -1" ) return parser
[docs]def main(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) default_ds_sizes: List[int] = [10000, 20000, 40000, 80000, 160000, 320000, 640000, 1280000] default_subsampling_rates: List[float] = [0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.0] parser = create_parser(default_ds_sizes) args = parser.parse_args() if args.data_def_file or args.ds_sizes != default_ds_sizes: run_seqgra_ensemble(args.analysis_id, args.data_def_file, args.data_folder, args.model_def_files, args.output_dir, args.ds_sizes, args.d_seeds, args.m_seeds, args.seed_grid, args.gpu) else: run_seqgra_ensemble(args.analysis_id, args.data_def_file, args.data_folder, args.model_def_files, args.output_dir, default_subsampling_rates, args.d_seeds, args.m_seeds, args.seed_grid, args.gpu)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()